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Algo más de Corea del sur/한국 문화_La cultura de Corea

La comida coreana

by DIEGO KIM 2020. 4. 26.

오늘은 최근 떠오르는 한국 식품에 대해서 알아보자. 
아마도 영화, 유튜브 영상 등을 통해 직, 간접접으로 한식에 관해 접해보았을 거라고 생각된다. 아마 이 글을 읽는 사람 중 일부는 직접 한국을 방문해 한식을 먹어보았거나 한번쯤은 현지 내에서 판매되는 한식을 접해보았을 거라고 생각된다. 


Today, let's take a look at the what comes to mind when we think of Korean food.

Perhaps through movies, YouTube videos, etc., you have come across Korean food directly or indirectly. Perhaps some of the readers of this article have come to Korea to try Korean food or have eaten it at least once at a local restaurant.

El día de hoy quiero presentarles la comida coreana que está bien catalogada en estos días.
Creo que, tal vez, han experimentado la comida coreana directamente o indirectamente a través de películas y videos de youtube . Probablemente más de alguno de los lectores de este artículo ya ha comido coreana en Corea o ha experimentado la comida coreana que se vende en su país. 



K-food는 korean food의 줄임말로 해를 거듭할수록 전세계적으로 그 인기는 더해가고 있다. 또한 유명한 푸드 인플루언서들이 비비고 만두를 소개한 것이 화재가 되면서 K-food에 대한 인식은 더욱더 높아지고 있다. 비비고 비빔밥과 만두는 최근 가장 떠오르는 잇템으로 코로나 19로 세계적으로 내식 수요가 늘어나면서 누리꾼들 속에서 많은 사랑을 받고 있다.


K-food is an abbreviation of Korean food, and its popularity is increasing worldwide as the year goes by. In addition, the awareness of K-food is getting higher as famous influencers in the field of food introduce “mandu” (Korean dumplings). Some Korean food products like bibigo bibimbap and mandu have become famous dishes recently.

Also because of Covid-19 the number of people who eat at home has increased, so these foods are to everyone's taste.


K-food es una abreviatura para la palabra Korean-food. Actualmente sigue saliendo a la palestra en el mundo. Además un influencer famoso en el área de la comida presentó los mandu (KOREA Dumplings). Así las características del K-food siguen saliendo a la palestra más y más.  Algunos productos de la comida coreana como bibigo bibimbap y mandu se han vuelto platos famosos recientemente. Además a causa del covid 19 ha aumentado la cantidad de gente que come en casa, por eso estos alimentos son del gusto de todos. 

다양한 냉동 식품 중 냉동 비빔밥과 컵밥은 한국에서도 그 인기는 높다. 그 이유는 다양한 종류의 비빔밥과 컵밥은 입맛이 까다로운 한국인의 입맛을 잘 고려하였고 균형 잡힌 한끼로서 인식되고 있기 때문이다. 직접 한국에서 조리한 한식과 비교할 수 없겠지만, 이미 한국인들 사이에서는 각 음식의 고유한 풍미와 맛을 잘 살려 좋은 평가를 얻어내고 있다.  나 또한 집에서 밥을 해먹기 싫으면 간단하게 냉동 비빔밥을 해먹곤 한다. 코로나 19로 인해 내식을 권고해야 되는 상황에 있다. 이번 계기로 관심있는 나라에서 판매되는 음식을 접해보면서 그 나라가 가지고 있는 또 다른 면모를 알아가는 재미가 있다고 생각된다. 


Incidentally, frozen bibimbap and frozen cupbab have become popular with Koreans. The reason is that various types of bibimbap and cupbabs have been well regarded by Koreans who have a difficult taste and are recognized as a balanced meal. It can't be compared to Korean food cooked in Korea, but among Koreans, it has already earned a good reputation for taking advantage of the unique taste and flavor of each meal. I also usually eat frozen bibimbap if I don't want to cook. Because of Covid-19, the current situation is that we have to eat at home. In this case, it is a great opportunity to take advantage of the food that is sold in our country. I think it depends on the situation that helps us to learn the different aspects of enjoying food.

Por cierto, el bibimbap congelado y cupbab congelado han comenzado a ser populares entre los coreanos. La razón es que varios tipos de bibimbap y cupbabs han sido bien considerados por los coreanos que tienen un gusto difícil y son reconocidos como una comida equilibrada. No se puede comparar con la comida coreana cocinada en Corea, pero entre los coreanos, ya se ha ganado una buena reputación aprovechando el sabor y el sabor únicos de cada comida. Yo también suelo comer bibimbap congelado si no quiero cocinar. A causa del virus covid 19 la situación actual es que tenemos que comer en la casa. Entonces es una gran oportunidad para aprovechar la comida que se vende en el país. Por esto pienso que es una situacion que nos ayuda a aprender las distintas aristas que significa disfrutar la comida.





'Algo más de Corea del sur > 한국 문화_La cultura de Corea' 카테고리의 다른 글

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